Finding allies, the road to employee’s retention with ScaleSource

The essential reason any employee leaves a job is the same as why they take another. They deem it as the best decision at a particular time. It is interesting to consider what people value and therefore consider good for them. The unspoken foundation of societies --even if somewhat neglected-- is the pursuit of well-being. Arguably the most powerful source of motivation.

One of the essential abilities a company needs for its well-being –and a source of satisfaction for entrepreneurs, joy perhaps?– has to be employee retention. Consistency is crucial in every aspect of the workplace and going through the hassle of re-hiring, re-training, and establishing valuable trust is costly.

Besides having an exceptional selection process designed to put the lid on your company's employee retention issues, at ScaleSource we offer some insights on the tools to achieve it.

We know it's not always about the salary --employee fidelity involves too many aspects and can't be reduced to an oversimplified explanation. As in every social, and economical exchange, there's more to it than the utilitarian elements at play, and company culture is a powerful asset for achieving a productive relationship with your employee. Having an employee that genuinely cares about his job in your company can be a game-changer.

Studies revealing the importance of a sound organizational culture within the workplace in performance, satisfaction, and employee retention don't come as a surprise, however, this is easy to overlook --intangibles are challenging to gauge.

And it is challenging to achieve too. Culture and this is not a one-sided construct. It’s a shared achievement. Your company's culture is developed by everyone taking part in it. You can have the best culture design, tools of implementation but that will be subject to constant modification by the people you hire. The costs of transforming an organizational culture are high and the chances of achieving a healthier condition are often unpredictable. When you think about it, each person you hire becomes a generator of company culture. Understanding that its development is crucially decided in your hiring process reveals another dimension of this process' importance. 

At ScaleSsource we know that finding candidates who are in line with your vision, ideals, and values is paramount. Competence and efficiency may be virtues of a particular employee, but if he doesn't care about your company, there won't be a benefit from those assets. On the other hand, finding the right match sets you on the path to having a team player who's more likely to become an ally, improve his performance and be an element of change for good among the rest of the team. A satisfied employee that cares about his company and is grateful doesn't have to be monitored nor directed into giving his best, ScaleSsource knows this, just ask this writer.

Find those allies out there ready to give their best. Give us a call!


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