Our Services & How They Fit Into Your Business: Web and App Developer

Some skill sets such as web and app development are very important to fill but sometimes scaling your team gets to take a backseat as you focus on scaling your business instead. That’s why ScaleSource is here to do the scouting, hiring, and training of full-time professionals such as web and app developers for you. Here’s what we offer for this service and how a web and app developer fits into your business.

Why Scale Your Team with a WEB and APP DEVELOPER

Whether your business is currently expanding or you’re looking for ways to further grow it, you would need a web or app developer to help out.

No matter the size of a business, almost all companies have a website. It creates a worldwide and online “face” to your business and serves multiple purposes such as a platform to interact with your customers and as an alternative to availing of your products and services. A web developer therefore might be one of your most critical hires. Even if you already have a website established, you still need a web developer onboard since your content will be constantly evolving and there might be times when you have to update (or upgrade) your creative assets.

Here are three reasons why you should scale your team with a web developer:

  1. Bespoke website. While there are easy-to-learn, build-from-scratch web platforms out there, those do not provide the flexibility that a coded website does. Hiring a web developer allows you to have a website that was made especially for your brand. A highly-skilled web developer could also help build your website that truly works for you, scanning the worldwide web for news and updates and generating leads.

  2. Data security. A good website is a platform by which you can generate new and quality leads. But with data breaches increasing almost yearly, it’s highly important now more than ever to safeguard your website so you keep your customers’ data secure and your business safe from any legal entanglement. A web developer is able to work on an increased data security for a website.

  3. Better UI and UX. Simplicity is key, yes, when building a website. But building a website that’s too simple may also be boring and will not entice movement from one page to another. It may also lower the number of your repeat visitors. The real key then is having a website that has both great user interface and user experience. A web developer will be able to work on both, boosting numbers for your website.

But your development doesn't stop with your website. Some businesses may think that having a functional website is enough and that developing an app is just a costly endeavor. While it’s true that some businesses may not need it, there are some that will benefit greatly from an app. This goes for any business that offers some kind of product or service.

An app is a more dynamic platform to interact with consumers. And with the staggering number of mobile users in the world, an app is also more accessible to them. Having an app to cater to your customers, therefore, gives you more edge over your competition. This makes hiring an app developer a worthy investment indeed.

While there are a lot of web and app developers out there, it can still be a little tricky to hire the best one for your needs. But ScaleSource can simplify the process for you.

How ScaleSource Hires the Best Web and App Developer for You

ScaleSource will work closely with you in the beginning so we can determine what your web and app development needs are. Once that’s established, we take care of the rest. Our process of hiring you the best talent comes in four easy steps:

STEP 1. Tell us your requirements — job descriptions or tasks to be accomplished.

STEP 2. We search for the best resource, doing the interviews and skills matching for you.

STEP 3. We bring you your new team, ready to fill in your needs. You approve.

STEP 4. We take care of everything HR-related, including QA to ensure that you have the best team possible.

Let us help you scale your team today with a web and app developer. Contact us and we’ll take care of the hiring and training process. Know about our other services here.


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