Our Services and How They Fit Into Your Business: Virtual Assistant

ScaleSource was created to help you scout, hire, and train full-time professionals to scale your team. Today, we expound on how we can help you grow your team with a virtual assistant. Here’s what we offer for this service and how a virtual assistant fits into your business.

Why Scale Your Team with a VIRTUAL ASSISTANT

One of the things that successful entrepreneurs have in common is that they know how to delegate tasks. It’s because successful people are known to be focused on that which matters to them most — and flourishing businessmen have almost laser-like focus on results and innovation that bring the most return on investment. So to them, any task that is not towards that goal but is still necessary to sustain the business, they have the good sense to delegate.

If it still isn’t, having a remote team should be a part of your business strategy, especially for some of your low value tasks such as admin, invoicing, scheduling, and research. While you may opt to have these tasks delegated to a full-time assistant but a virtual assistant can also be a very good and also cost-effective alternative.

In a nutshell, a virtual assistant is an employee with carrying skill sets and can perform various services. Some of the most common tasks a virtual assistant can provide are customer support, bookkeeping, appointment setting, social media marketing, data entry and management, and more. Their difference from a regular assistant is that they work at a remote location.

Why opt for a virtual assistant? One word: savings. Hiring a virtual assistant over a full-time employee means reduced operational costs. Since virtual assistants won’t take up space in your physical office, you don’t have to pay for their overheads like office space, Internet access, laptop, or taxes. Also, virtual assistants are time flexible and may be hired on a part-time and hourly basis.

Here are three more reasons why you should scale your team with a virtual assistant:

  1. 24/7 Availability. Technology has transformed customers and their needs. With more digital channels to connect with businesses, your customers expect real-time connection. Which means that your 9 to 5 customer support might not be sufficient. A virtual assistant can fill the gaps, especially if you hire one in a different time zone such as yours.

  2. Increase Efficiency. Sending emails and newsletters, setting appointments, research, data entry. These are all necessary tasks, especially for generating and nurturing leads and customers. But these are your “non-core tasks” and having a regular employee work on them might decrease their efficiency when they can be focused on their more important tasks. A virtual assistant is hired exactly to fill these skill sets and will therefore be more efficient in fulfilling them.

  3. Drive Business Growth. As much as you want to be hands-on with every aspect of your business, it simply cannot be done. Collaborations will allow you to scale your business. And as the business expands, so does the workload. Your virtual assistant may be trained and made to understand your company ethics and policies so some of the overflow can be offloaded to them as you slowly hire full-time employees.

Now that you know how a virtual assistant can be helpful to your business, you’re ready to add one to your team. Here’s how ScaleSource does it for you.

How ScaleSource Hires the Best Virtual Assistant for You

As mentioned, we believe businesses scale more quickly through collaboration. Collaborating with us to hire your virtual and assistant means allowing you savings on both time and money. Here are our four easy steps in we bring you full-time professionals at a fraction of what it used to cost:

STEP 1. Tell us your requirements — job descriptions or tasks to be accomplished. Since virtual assistants may perform various tasks, letting us know how they will fit into your team also lets us hire the best professional with the matching skill sets.

STEP 2. We search for the best resource, doing the interviews and skills matching for you.

STEP 3. We bring you your new team, ready to fill in your needs. You approve.

STEP 4. We take care of everything HR-related, including QA to ensure that you have the best team possible.

And just like that, you have a new virtual assistant to help you with your non-core (and sometimes repetitive) tasks.

Talk to us and let us know how you want to incorporate a virtual assistant into your team and we’ll take care of everything else. Know about our other services here.


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