Our Services and How They Fit Into Your Business: Digital Marketer

Digital marketing is a proven important part of growing your business. Some businesses though do not make it a priority because they either don’t see its direct correlation with return on investment or because they’re too busy scaling the business that there simply is little to no time to establish a marketing team.

If you’re one of those businesses, ScaleSource steps in and solves the hiring problem for you, leaving you free to focus on growing your business. We detail how we can hire you the best full-time professional and how a digital marketer fits into your business.

Why Scale Your Team with a DIGITAL MARKETER

Consumers are now more reliant on digital means in making purchasing decisions; 97% admit that they go online to search for products and services near them and for reviews before making a purchase. With multiple digital platforms that can influence a buyer’s decision, it is then vital for your business to have a digital marketing strategy in place.

Any business that opt to not plan out their digital presence risks losing relevance. Brands that are able to jump into trending topics and effectively get the word out about their business online stay on top of the mind of consumers. While these businesses put digital marketing on hold, thinking traditional means will keep them afloat, people on the Internet are finding the competition online and giving business to them instead.

But as eager as you may be to jumpstart your digital marketing, don’t leave it to just about anyone. While campaigns in this age seem easier to set up, with some channels only requiring a few clicks to execute a campaign, it is also easier to do more harm than good. There’s a saying that goes, “The Internet is forever.” Indeed, anything that’s posted online leaves a digital footprint that’s near impossible to erase.

Therefore, you need a marketing professional who will not just create exceptional content for you but will also ensure that your digital marketing is well-thought out and executed properly.

Here are three qualities of the digital marketing that you should have on your team:

  1. Insatiable curiosity. With the way digital marketing trends transform at a fast pace, you need a digital marketer that wants to chase these trends and know (also perhaps master) about them as quickly as they come and go. A curious digital marketer will never get left behind when there are updates on a social media platform or changes to Google algorithms — and that means your brand will always be front and center when it comes to adapting to these.

  2. Strategic and analytical thinking. Knowledge of the latest trends is nothing if not applied strategically. A successful digital marketer will know how to answer your brand’s 5 Ws and H and apply all the answers to creating a strategy. They also analyze data to determine opportunities and decide on the best way to improve any marketing campaign.

  3. Business-minded. Of course you want your digital marketer to be on the same page as you and so you’d want them to have a good grasp of how a business works. A digital marketer who also has an appreciation for sales is able to deliver better results because they truly understand the buyer’s journey. Instead of doing their function in silo, they make sure to involve the sales team.

Seems difficult to find that digital marketer with the perfect combination of skills and these qualities? We’ve got it covered. ScaleSource can find for you the perfect teammate.

How ScaleSource Hires the Best Digital Marketer for You

You may need a digital marketer for a specific need (create content, plan paid campaigns, grow page organically, etc.). ScaleSource will work closely with you in the beginning so we can determine what your needs are and factor your answers when recruiting for your next digital marketer. And in just four easy steps, we can help you scale your team at a fraction of what you spend on your own recruitment efforts.

STEP 1. Tell us your requirements — job descriptions or tasks to be accomplished.

STEP 2. We search for the best resource, doing the interviews and skills matching for you.

STEP 3. We bring you your new team, ready to fill in your needs. You approve.

STEP 4. We take care of everything HR-related, including QA to ensure that you have the best team possible.

Let us help you scale your team today with a digital marketer. Check out how else we can help you grow your team here.


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