Our Services and How They Fit Into Your Business: Customer Support

It’s an irrefutable fact: providing excellent customer support is integral to any business’ success. Word of mouth marketing is still one of the most powerful tactics in building and empowering your brand. Especially in this age of social media, word of mouth travels faster than it has ever before. So know that should there be any remiss in the way you connect with and service your customers, one negative review posted on the Internet can easily spread across the world in a span of a few minutes.

But hiring someone for customer service can be costly, what with a number of “hidden charges” such as training and infrastructure. Considering the impact of having a quality customer support team, though, one cannot simply forego hiring just because it’s expensive. The good news is that there’s a solution to this problem: have a remote customer support professional.

Why Scale Your Team with CUSTOMER SUPPORT

Consumers these days have evolved greatly from consumers of a few years ago. With the changes in technology and with the accessibility of companies on various platforms, they now expect instant service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

While there are now new technologies and applications that make it possible to respond to customers outside your business hours, nothing beats human-to-human interaction. While auto-responders and chatbots can be programmed to sound more human, it cannot account for 100% of conversations and some customers actually prefer to still talk to an actual person.

How then do you remedy it if your company is unable to fill customer support roles as quickly as your business expands? Two words: remote team.

Here are three reasons why you should consider having a remote customer support team:

  1. Cost effective. A huge reason for most businesses to consider hiring remotely is its practicality. Contracted employees almost always cost less to staff versus in-house full-time employees. And since these remote staff don’t report to the office, you therefore save on overhead costs like office space, Internet access, laptop, or taxes.

  2. Larger candidate pool. When starting your business and building your customer support team, it is natural for you to look locally to hire. But as you expand your business, you’ll soon find out that your candidate pool is getting thinner. This is one of the reasons some companies are unable to keep up with the demands of the customers. Considering a remote team means that you are expanding your candidate choice not just to the next city but across the whole world. This makes it quicker to fill in gaps in your customer service team.

  3. Scalability and flexibility. While you might think of expanding your customer support team because of a sudden surge in calls and inquiries, your requirement might not necessarily be a permanent one. Having a remote team means a scalable team that you can hire only for your seasonal customer service. It also means having team members available at different time zones, catering to your customers outside your usual 9 to 5 business hours.

Despite these pros, though, you still might have qualms about getting a remote customer support agent. Of course, it always feels better to have a team that you can easily reach out to for training, feedback, and product knowledge upskilling. It also seems like a more secure option to in-house these agents, especially since they handle customer information.

But all these concerns are actually addressable if you hire the best person for the job. Not used to hiring a remote team yet? We got you covered. Let us know what you’re looking for in your new team member and we’ll take care of the rest.

How ScaleSource Hires the Customer Support for You

Remote or in-house, employees are always trainable, coachable, and trustworthy if you hire both for skills and attitude. When you tap us for remote team recruitment, ScaleSource will establish with you the skill sets and expectations you need from your customer support team. Then we’ll follow a quick four-step process to recruit a new team member at a fraction of what you spend on your own recruitment efforts.

STEP 1. Tell us your requirements — job descriptions or tasks to be accomplished.

STEP 2. We search for the best resource, doing the interviews and skills matching for you.

STEP 3. We bring you your new team, ready to fill in your needs. You approve.

STEP 4. We take care of everything HR-related, including QA to ensure that you have the best team possible.

Fill in your customer support requirement quickly with ScaleSource. Schedule a consultation with us today.


Everything You Need to Know About Managing A Remote Team


Our Services and How They Fit Into Your Business: Digital Marketer