How to grow your business, not your expenses.

There is one particular concern for pretty much every business owner: growth.

Growing your business may have different meanings, depending on the goals set by the decision-makers. It may mean opening more branches, increasing sales, gaining major recognition, among other goals.

The thing is that, in order to grow your business operation, more often than not you will need to also expand your payroll, which can put at risk your business profitability and can end up making your organization a slower, bulkier one. And let’s not talk about the expenses associated with expanding your staff besides the obvious salary spending increase: larger facilities that need more maintenance, higher utility bills, additional furnishing, equipment, and supplies are some of the hefty costs that would be racking up in your budget.


How can you grow your business without spending too much?

This is a very important question, and the answer is simple: remote staffing. We cannot stress enough the advantages of hiring remote staff from a third party..

First and foremost, you get to avoid the often nerve-racking and time-consuming HR process of screening candidates and recruiting. Having a third party like ScaleSource taking care of this process will save you precious time and resources you can invest in other areas of your business.

As an initial step, you just need to provide us with the job descriptions for the people you need to hire or share with us the tasks you need to be completed.

Once you have shared that information with us, we look for the best profiles available to fulfill your needs. Our recruitment team will execute intensive research, schedule and perform interviews, and skill screenings to determine which candidates are the best fit for your company.

We introduce you to a shortlist of prospects who we have determined to be the most solid profiles for you via Zoom or Google Hangout.

Once you have chosen your preferred candidate, you pay us a fixed monthly payment that’s 75% less than what you’d pay a conventional W-2 employee. During our service contract, we will take care of all of the HR and Quality Control matters related to your remote staff member, to ensure you get the maximum performance.


The Remote Working Culture: A Closer Look


How remote staffing can help you increase your profit margins?