Everything You Need to Know About Managing A Remote Team

Do you want to spend less and do more with your business? Then maybe it’s time for you to start a remote team. 77% of remote workers say they’re more productive when working from home than in an office. Now, you probably have many questions on how to manage one. So here’s a little remote team 101 to help you. 

What Is a Remote Team?

Remote employees are full-time workers who get to choose when and how they work. The members of a remote team are often physically dispersed in different locations. Some may be in a different office, city, or country. 

What Are the Benefits of Running a Remote Team?

Taking the physical office out of the equation is  like decluttering the workforce by a huge chunk, leaving you with the essentials—your team and operations. Here’s why it’s such a good thing.

Remote Workers Are More Productive

You’ve probably read this before. 90% of managers have reported in a survey that employees are more productive when they are given the flexibility in their work schedule. The same study also found that 53% of remote workers are willing to work overtime compared to 28% of on-site employees. 

In short, you get more done without any routine. You even get more done in less time. 45% of remote workers also say they have a faster turnaround time when working from their home. 

You Get Access to Top Talent Across the Globe

Hiring isn’t limited when you’re managing a remote team. You can hire from different places in the world, which enables you to tap into a pool of highly qualified professionals. 70% of employees also say that being able to work remotely will be an important deciding factor in their next job. 

You Save a Lot of Money

First, you don’t have to pay rent for an office or the expenses that come along with its maintenance. Remote workers also have their own devices. Remote teams use cloud-based tools to collaborate. And there are plenty of free communication or video conferencing software that can facilitate a more interactive experience.

What Are the Challenges of Managing a Remote Team?

Like the traditional workforce, remote teams also have their challenges. It’s a relatively new concept, after all. 

It’s Difficult to Track Your Team’s Productivity

Most remote team managers will deal with this in the beginning. You just need to find the right project management tools so you can track everyone’s progress. You’ll be surprised at how technology makes it easier to view your entire team’s performance.

You Might Run into Communication Issues

This is a normal disadvantage of working in different schedules. Some of your employees may even be in different time zones. It’s important to have a solid workflow laid out and to host weekly video conferences. Then choose a good messaging platform to ensure everyone’s in sync at all times.

Maintaining a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Your remote employees’ eagerness to work overtime also means they could easily get burned out. It’s hard to control that since you’re not in the same space or schedule. The key is to check in on your employees. Your communications don’t have to be all about deadlines.

How Do You Find Remote Workers?

There are plenty of freelance marketplaces out there. There are also outsourcing agencies that connect you with freelancers. But dealing with freelancers could be difficult when you’re trying to build a remote team. 

With ScaleSource, we look for highly skilled remote professionals who will be dedicated to work full-time for your company. They’ll be an actual part of your team. We also take care of any necessary training to make sure they understand your brand and that they fit in your culture. You can learn more about our process here.

How to Successfully Manage Remote Teams?

Managing remote teams is about trusting each other. Many remote team managers micro-manage their employees in fear that their team’s not working as much as they should. That’s counterproductive. Allow your team to work in their own time, and you’ll see far greater results than expected. Book a consultation with ScaleSource to ensure you get reliable employees on your team. 


Busting the 5 Biggest Myths About Remote Work


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