Busting the 5 Biggest Myths About Remote Work

Not so long ago, people still thought remote work was not real work. Now it’s here to stay as we move to the new normal. But many companies are still doubting its effectiveness. 

There’s the assumption that employees may not work as well or that teams would struggle to work together. Still, huge companies like Twitter, Google, and Microsoft have already allowed their teams to work remotely long-term. 

So let’s put all those remote work myths behind and talk about how awesome it actually is. 

Myth 1: Communication Issues

People assume instant messaging is required when working remotely. You don’t see your co-workers in person, so it makes sense to message each other on the regular. 

But it’s not how it works. Remote teams practice asynchronous communication. It is when you send a message without expecting an immediate response. A good example is emailing. 

It’s a good way to be fair with the timezone differences. It also enables employees to focus on their work instead of being occupied by the need to reply to messages instantly. 

The key is to trust the team and provide a solid workflow structure. Just host weekly or monthly meetings for announcements, updates, planning, discussions, and feedback. 

Myth 2: Remote Teams Are Only For Startups 

You don’t see Google or Microsoft as small startups, right? Startups don’t hire remote professionals because it’s easier to manage a smaller remote team. 

It’s because they want to tap into a wide range of talents from all over the world so they can scale fast. Employees are also happier working in their own time and space. Larger organizations are no exemption in making that practical choice. 

Myth 3: Remote Team Collaboration Is Difficult

This will never be an issue when you have a solid workflow structure integrated into project management software. Then choose the right team communication platform, video conferencing app, and other progress tracking tools, so your team can stay in sync. 

We all spend our personal time using social media and other digital apps. Using it for work won’t be hard at all. 

Myth 4: Remote Team Management Is Stressful

With that solid collaboration and not being obligated to exchange messages with your team all the time, you’re almost completely off the hook. Like we discussed in our guide for managing remote teams, you don’t have to micromanage your distributed team. 

That is just counterproductive. Instead, you should focus on building the most organized system so you can trust your team to work on their own. Make sure everything they need is in your tool stack and that you have standardized processes in place for them to follow. 

Myth 5: Remote Work Is Only a Temporary Setup

Like I’ve mentioned, startups don’t hire remote workers because it’s an ideal early setup. It is a workforce solution that can help your business grow. 

Fewer costs, less time spent on worrying about the workflow and team collaboration, and more time for higher business priorities. There’s no reason for something this efficient to be temporary. 

If you’re planning to build your own remote team, our agency can help with getting the right fit for your company. ScaleSource takes care of all the hiring, training, and onboarding processes for you. Check out our list of services here.


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