4 Reasons Successful Companies Hire Virtual Assistants

The virtual assistant industry has grown a lot over the last few years, especially in this pandemic. You’ve probably heard many entrepreneurs rave about these remote assistants, too. 

But you’re probably wondering what exactly they do. Well, virtual assistants are professionals who work remotely to take over the non-core tasks of businesses and entrepreneurs. 

They are self-employed individuals who offer a variety of services. The most common are administrative and customer services. 

In this article, we highlight the five reasons successful companies are starting to replace traditional assistants with virtual professionals. 

Hiring a Professional Virtual Assistant Helps You Save Money

Since virtual assistants are self-employed individuals, they’re technically not your employees. You’re paying them for their services, so you don’t have to worry about W-2 employee costs.

It’s also rare that businesses still need to train virtual professionals. Most virtual assistants are already highly experienced in their jobs. 

They’ll even innovate your processes. So not only will you save money from the reduced overhead costs. You’ll also get an expert to restructure your entire system. 

Having a Remote Professional Assistant Allows You to Focus on Your Core Tasks

Many businesses, especially small to medium-sized ones, struggle with fulfilling all their priorities. Neglect one aspect of the business, and you’ll face major setbacks. 

Once you get to the point where your marketing staff is already handling customer service, it’s all downhill from there. The best way to avoid that is by hiring virtual assistants. 

Virtual assistants are like chore sweepers. They take away the burden of accomplishing day-to-day operations from your team. 

That allows you to focus on high priority projects. It will also give you enough time for strategic thinking so you can continuously optimize your practices. 

Virtual Assistants Help Scale Your Business Quickly

Many businesses tend to stunt their growth because they’re unable to properly delegate and prioritize their tasks. There’s just so much to do when you’re trying to scale a business. 

Virtual assistants are dedicated to their tasks. Unlike your main team, they don’t have to be involved in brainstorming sessions or any major decision-making. 

So you can rely on them to deliver outputs on time. That will help ensure that your business isn’t lagging behind its goals. 

Dedicated Virtual Assistants Are Able to Offer 24/7 Customer Service

One of the perks of hiring virtual assistants is that they’re based in different locations. This is such a huge customer service advantage. 

Most businesses have a hard time handling global customer demands with their limited customer service hours. Hiring remote-based assistants from different timezones will give your business the flexibility to attend to customers 24/7.

That’s practically an automatic 5-star customer rating.  

Pro Tip: ScaleSource Your Virtual Assistant

The search for the right virtual assistant for your business could be time-consuming and challenging. After all, you’re looking for someone you can trust enough to work away from your office or location. 

Here at ScaleSource, we have a pool of highly skilled virtual assistants who can take on a wide range of non-core tasks. We’ll take care of the entire recruitment and onboarding process for you, too. 

Just let us know what you’re looking for and we’ll connect you to a dedicated remote assistant who fits your brand and culture. To know more about our services, you can schedule a free consultation with us. 

We respond pretty fast since we also have virtual assistants. Wink. 


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